
Hello from Chester

Well, I'm in Chester today. Haven't posted in the last couple of days as I've not had any access to the internet (well none that was free and I refuse to pay when they charge out the butt for it). Besides the lack of internet the weather has been kinda crappy too...not sure if the UK weather makes news in US but they had 70+ knot winds in southwest Wales and lots of rain everywhere...many of the streams we've gone by in the train looked flooded. Around lunch time today things finally cleared up again and the sun came out. It was a pretty slow day as everything is on a Sunday schedule, so I didn't get into town here until after 1500. Not much historical to see here...it's mostly a shopping town and they do have quite a few stores here....sort of like a big outdoor mall, except all the buildings are really old.

This is the train station in Chester at night. Liked the lighting.

Here is the Queen Hotel where I'm staying. Pretty ritzy place....liked the lighting here too. And it's right across the street from the railroad station.

Well tomorrow I'm off to Cardiff, where I'm staying for two nights. Hopefully I'll more stuff to post from there.
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