
Cardiff Castle (or mabye Autostitch abuse?)

Been checking out Cardiff the last couple of days. Sorry for the lack of updates...stayed in another ritzy hotel that charges out the butt for internet access. Anyway, the main thing to see in Cardiff is Cardiff Castle. So guess where I went? Below are a couple of autostitch photos....this place was big and so autostitch comes in handy.

They called this the Arab room, I guess because of the design of the decor. This one might be called autostitch abuse...I think there are something like 20 photo's in this one, and it's definitely slightly bent.

Here you can see the openness of the area inside the walls of Cardiff Castle. The little place on the hill in the center was the original keep. The rest was added later. Some of the wall I'm standing on to take this picture was actually built by the Romans...which means it's over 2000 years old!

This is the flag on top of the keep.

Another shot of the keep and manor house in Cardiff Castle.
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Jen said...

The Arab Room picture is pretty trippy... @_@ Cool decor, though.

Amazing to think of the scale of history there, when we think on the order of hundreds of years on this side of the pond. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

CXB...get off the wall. ;)