
Taos Pueblo

Visited Taos Pueblo today. It's the middle of winter so not much going on there. 

If you go to the wikipedia page I linked to above, you can see a picture of this church by Ansel Adams.

Lots of snow. Glad it was actually cold as most of the roads were frozen instead of muddy. Even so the bright sun was starting to melt some of it while I was there.

Main complex with the mostly frozen Rio Pueblo river in foreground.

The bell tower is all that remains of the original church. You can find more info about this church at the official Taos Pueblo website.

The Bridge to Nowhere...

Also known as Rio Grande Gorge Bridge. Cool part is that it is part of a chase scene in the upcoming Terminator 4 movie (google search link). Bet you're wondering how I took a picture of myself...well actually I met a nice lady named Kathi at the Taos Pueblo that followed me over to the bridge and took the picture. 

Can you see my shadow in this picture? Hint: it's in the middle of the photograph...

Yeah I know nice smirk. But it was cold and windy and by the time this picture was taken I was ready to get back in the car about 10 minute ago :-)